If you desire shiney, soft, and lushes hair, your journey should start with a high quality color line. While salon color lines are always safer than box color, not all salon quality color can deliver amazing results. Lume Hair Styles takes pride in providing a deluxe color cream formula by Schwartzkopf for all it's clients.
IGORA ROYAL Permanent Color Creme
"Maximum Performance
Up to 100% white hair coverage
Ultimate color retention
Intense color vibrancy
Perfect color equalization – even on porous hair
Clearest lifting shades with advanced care
Absolute true-to-tuft results”
Henkel. “Schwarzkopf Professional - Together. A Passion for Hair.” Schwarzkopf, Henkelna.com, 2019, www.schwarzkopf-professionalusa.com/skp/us/en/home.html.